Fake News Warning 2

Media, Economist, Politicians and Professionals
often provide inadequate, bias information enhancing their personal ideology
rather than appropriate information and analysis.

Preface: This information collected for the 2016 and 2020 elections. Updating continues. 2/15/24

Trumpisms-Not Lies but Exaggerations     Trump Unemployment Campaign Message     Puerto Rico's Hurricane

Birthright Citizenship     Understanding Truth is Not Easy     10/11/19        Please Share!

2024 Election Warnings Political Correctness   Storm Before the Calm   Trump's New Political Era?   Party Politics Problems    Presidential Power

Trumpisms: Not Lies, but Exaggerations
Especially if Discussions on Nuclear Disarmament, Voter Unhappiness... are Ignored!

"You've got to remember, he is a real estate guy, a promoter ... 
And so he comes from a world where you exaggerate; there's a lot of hyperbole."
Michael Bloomberg

"I don't see a train wreck."
You have to translate what he says and just focus on what he does."
Nassim Taleb

1. Trump Unemployment Campaign Message Analyzed

Trump's Claimed Unemployment was 42%

Was it Exaggerations, a Lie, Hyperbole, or Appropriate use of an Economic Statistics?

What Trump Meant Requires Interpretation.
Trump's campaign statement should have said the US employs about 60%
    of the population which means 40% are not working, they are unemployed.

Understanding Unemployment is complicated. Six measurements are required.
   Headline unemployment is the lowest estimate.
It is used by anyone wanting to simplify or some personal belief.
   Trump used data important to his constituency.
Reporting it any other way is Fake News

Politicians, Economist and the Media have been allowed
Choice of Measure for many years.
This Creates Unintended Fake News.

The media and the economics community
feel little responsibility to communicate relevant truth.
   Doing so is difficult for the liberal media plus it causes poor ratings.

Media and economists must analysis
what is behind Trump's thoughts in relation to policy.

2. Trump Said "What" about Puerto Rico's Hurricane
 “Fifty Times Last Original Number NO WAY!” Trump's

What Trump Meant Requires Interpretation

Direct Hit cause about 60 deaths, Increase had little to do with FEMA performance.
 Culprit for much larger death toll was poor infrastructure.
     Failure was federal and local government politicians. 
   Puerto Rico competes for Federal funds with education, the military,
US social programs, and support for the elderly.
Which Would You Cut?
Opportunity Cost of more spending should be considered relevant.

The Fake News is Dominated by Trump's Use of Data and Hyperbole.
What Was Not Being or Ignored is Often Unreported 
Pulling out of Turkey 10/7/19 Fulfilled a Trump Campaign Promise!

 3. Trump Concerning Birthright Citizenship

Concerning Obama, it's political hyperbole.
Anything is is probably a 14th amendment question.
Once determined he can eliminate Birthright Citizenship, few report pro and cons.
Anything else political hyperbole

Why the United States Has Birthright Citizenship and Steve Bannon Oxford Q and A
has interesting implications acknowledged by few in the media.
The why of the recent populist movement requires investigation.


Understanding Truth is Not Easy

Professional fools speak the truth but people in charge do not want to hear it. 
Fools have a special license.
 from Erasmus and The Humanist Comedy

"They're the only ones who speak frankly and tell the truth,
and what is more praiseworthy than truth."

They may have no idea what offends while professional fool only say what the boss wish to hear.

 "...fools can speak truth and even open insults and be heard with positive pleasure;
indeed, the words which would cost a wise man his life are extremely enjoyable when uttered by a clown."

 Why doesn't Chris Mathews seek the truth from opposing sides on Hardball?

Jon Stewart Says Trump Appeals to Media's “own narcissism”

 Finding a Knowledgeable Person is Difficult since much of our news comes from
Authors, Think Tanks and Academic "Experts
most of whom are prejudice on one side of contentious issues.



Note: Extending time represented through 2020 makes Trump look really bad.

U.S. unemployment rate

Note: Extending time represented through 2020 makes Trump look really bad.
I think this doing so would be Unintended Fake News.
 It would be true, but inappropriate use of data.
Trump had little real control of 2020 economic once CV took control of reason. 2/15/24

This makes both look good.
In actuality financial chaos cause the great recession,
Obama spent to soften the economic hurt,
More spending after CV by two presidents worked well.
To date, since the Revolution, we have managed debt without a catastrophe.


Question: Where is the discussion on the Nuclear Treaty?
Is Almost No Reporting by the Mass Media Fake News?

More from the Editor

The Trump victory was a reaction to liberal Democratic Identity Poetics.

Many Trumps Tweets are Political Hyperbola,
should be ignored
even though they lead to good ratings.

See Bush Family Business Oil Dynasty
Was the Bush Family Trump Without the Rough Edges?

This is a part of the "Cycles of American History."

See Why Trump Won and American President

Trump is effectively unique.
Ben Franklin said we have "a Republic, if you can keep it."
It has never been easy or  more nations would accomplish it.

Richard Nixon's election was the beginning of a conservative reaction to Roe v Wade and the liberal Great Society.
This reaction reached it panicle with RR and since has maintained a high level.
Biden won because of a Supreme Court decession concern Roe,
Turmoil to follow.

Examples of Cleaning the Swamp?
..and sharp cuts to the budgets of the State Department and the US Agency for International Development.
Trump will emphasize hard power over soft, and he'll use deep cuts to federal health insurance,
 the federal pension system, and other social programs to pay for it.
The Trump budget doesn't matter much, since Congress controls spending,
but it's a good indicator of the president's policy priorities.
GZERO Medint:3/13/

Postscript: Over Time This Important Question Will be Answered
The Biggest Political Scandal in American History

This is a part of the "Cycles of American History."

See Why Trump Won


Thanks! Walter Antoniotti   

Suggestions to antonw@ix.netcom.com

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