Federal Debt
Analysis |
Historically, No-one Pays the Federal Debt, We Just Roll it Forward
Mom and Dad died in their late
80's. They didn't pay a penny on US debt..
Big Trouble Means Bid Debt Once US Economy Shut Down for Covid, Economy was in Big Trouble
Federal Debt Analysis-21st Century Biden
followed Trumps lead and they borrowed five
trillion dollars
Two Kinds
of Federal Debt
The hitch: If we
spend lots in 2025-6,
See 2024 Deficit Analysis or Candidate Tax Positions US Federal Debt Began With War
FDR Used Debt to Feed People
Republicans Cut Taxes
Source The Long Story of U.S. Debt, From 1790 to 2011
Excess Money Printing Could
They did it again for Covid Shutdown
Should the Federal Debt be Paid
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E. Recessions Also Caused Deficits
Is Trump's
Unorthodox Tax Cut an Exception
I . Who Finances Deficit Rollovers?
Is Foreigners US Debt
Ownership a Problem? |