Middle Class Safety Net
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1. Slow Market Wage Growth

2. American's Value Work So Unemployment Benefits are Low

3. Americans Are Self-Reliant So Safety Net is Low

4. But Safety Net Spending Is Up

5. Worker Wellbeing is a Mixed Bag





1.Class Structure Must Be Defined
Upper Aristocracy, Really Wealth People
Upper Middle Very Successful Professionals and  Business Bwners
Middle Middle Successful Professionals and  Business Owners
Lower Middle Low Paying White Collar Service Workers
Lower Laborers, Part Time and Unemployed



  1. Slow Market Wage Growth





2. American's Value Work



So Unemployment Benefits are Low


3. Americans Are Self-Reliant

Individual liberty vs. state guarantees


So Safety Net is Low

Editor's Note:
National Health Care Increases the
French Public Spending on her Safety Net


4. Safety Net Spending Is Up

Safety Net gives benefits to low-income individuals and families in the form of income, health aid, food stamps, and housing assistance. Spending on these benefits has grown nearly 49 percent in the last decade.

Note: Total means-tested welfare spending includes over 80 government programs providing cash, food, housing, medical care, and targeted social services for poor and low-income Americans. Social Security, Medicare, unemployment insurance, and veterans’ benefits are not included in the total.



Even on Food


  5. Worker Wellbeing is a Mixed Bag






The Good

Less Spending on Necessities



Others Doing More of the Work

  The Bad

We Work More Than Most





Few Work More

Infographic: Where The Most Workers Put in A 60-Hour Week  | Statista


The Ugly

US Last in Weeks of Paid Maternity Leave



Economic Wellbeing

Economic Future of Our Children

Are Child & Youth Protected