Polarity and Populism in America
The Rise and Fall of 20th Century Civility   
Civility Declined while Animosity and Polarity Increased

Adolph Ochs bought the NYT in 1898.
He responded to his many Yellow Journalism competitors with

"All The News That's Fit To Print."
Result was a more congenial media for about 60 years.


1. Did Supreme Court Cause the Fall?
2. Has Political Control Affected Civility
3. Did the Federal Policy Contribute?

The Telecommunication Act of 1986
5. Citizens United v. FEC
6. Sports Trash Talking Went Public
7. Banning Earmarks in 2011
8. Anxiety Caused Populism


1. Did Supreme Court Increase Polarity?
Court Allowed State Redistricting Plans, Schools Integration/busing/housing, and Abortion
Trouble began when federal efforts went
beyond stopping Jim Crow laws.


2. Has Political Control Affected Civility?
Political Parties Began to polarize
when FDR kept control
of the Democratic Party by excluded many poor southerners from New Deal.
Northern Democrats
began catering to blacks.
LBJ sealed the change
with the 1966 Civil Rights Act.
Roe v. Wade a
dded fuel to the fire.
became Republican, Coasts became Democratic.
Reagan personality
sealed the breach and political polarity intensified.

State Management Differs With Single Party Control
This is problematic because in most states the minority party has about 40% of voters support.
This is especially true when state primaries have success to a single winner.
Increasing Cavil Rights, Abortion, and Gun Control began the movement of
conservatives into the Republican Party and liberal into the Democratic Party.

3. Did the Federal Policy Contribute?

The 1987 Communication Industry Fairness Doctrine was eliminated.
Radio Stations were no longer required to present contrasting views.
Rush Limbaugh, who had popularized conservative talk radio, now had fewer restrictions.
Talk Radio and Identity Politics
Conservative and Liberal Polarization Proliferate

4. Telecommunications Act of 1996
allowed multi-station company ownership and national network developed.
As of 2011, Clear Channel Communications

iHeart Media owned over 800 US radio stations
  Rush Limbaugh wealth eventually climbed to $400 million.

5. Citizens United v. FEC 
Allowed Increased Political Contributions
Campaign funding increased and sponsorship diversified,
 which supported both intended and unintended
Fake News.

6. Sports Trash Talking Went Public
Mohamed Ali practically invented this 1960's genre
 as a boastfully Cassius Clay.
Athlete had been formal, cordial, and boring.
Ali changed everything with his elite out-of-ring bantering
 which was only rivaled by his in-ring dominance.

Larry Bird
and others soon followed.

7. Banning Earmarks in 2011
increased polarization as political cooperating to
 “bring home the bacon” ended.

See Avoiding Effects Of Groupthink

Anxiety Caused Populism

Americans are at each other’s throats. Here is one way out.
Inspired by this Amanda Ripley Washington Post Opinion 12/20/19  

High conflict is irresolvable and will continue even when the associated problems are solvable.

Social Psychologist Peter T. Coleman's book,

The Five Percent, states that about 1 in every 20 conflicts are this way.  

“Once we are drawn in, they take control,”

 They enrage, trap frustrate, drain our energy/critical resources, and will never go away.

A 2017 survey of 1,000 Americans found 40 percent of both Republicans
and Democrats thought the other party was downright evil.

Five to 15 percent of both parties would support some level of violence
against their political opponents.
A minority of ‘... haters’ can have more influence than a majority

 of non-haters 
Halperin writes in his book Emotions in Conflict.

In high conflict, our brains behave differently.
Fear, anger and hatred rule.
Sometimes anger can be useful.
It can support reconciliation, taking risks in peace talks...
Hatred assumes the enemy is unchangeable, irredeemable, and unimprovable.
They must be annihilate. 

We can get the minority of haters to stop hating because
a peace message lowers Americas’ support for political violence.
After Trump 
tweeted condemnation for the Charlottesville racist violence,
violence support dropped for partisan voters.
Joe Biden's similar peace 
message condemning an Antifa attack
on a conservative journalist also lowered support for such violence.

How to Reset a Mind Set
An ingrained negativity bias leads to a perpetual sense of crisis,
a feeling that things are getting worse—even when things are getting better.

The Wall Street Journal


Personal Journey
More than fifteen years ago I began adding
political economy studies to
Quick Notes Economics.
U.S. history and presidential politics were studied.
Then came biographies of influential presidents.
Today I am studying the 4th populist-terrorist episode
of attacks to post WW 1 United States.

Anxiety increased when blacks increased their economic and political power.
They received a more of our economic pie.
Then Asians got more pie followed in close proximity by women.
Fear from 9/11 amplified our anxiety.

White Christian middle class men and women were no longer the center of society.

Then the Great Recession caused many hardships to rural areas and the Rust Belt.
Individual failure has continued.


Educators had long been acting as if the normal curve did not exist.
Education would be the great equalizer. It could solve most issues.
It hasn't.

Equal educational opportunity was not enough.
More Education spending was not the answer.
Unbiased observers knew that nature and
nurture were not equally distributed.
Education Change was needed.

Special blame goes to the politicians, economists and professionals.
Economic success and political stability of 1980-2000 fostered technocrat control.
ut, too often they provided inadequate, bias, Information that was
not applicable to a particular issue.
There failures are the 
real Fake News.

It is more dangerous than the fake news coming from lies,

once called
 Yellow Journalism, and Propaganda.

The Great Society created a time bomb.
The explosion was delayed by the Reagan Revolution followed by fifteen years of economic prosperity.
Then the dot com bubble ended prosperity and 9/11 lit the fuse.
Then Gay Rights put a psychological hurt on many middle class white Christians.
 Finally, a black President’s health care plan took many back to the beginning, to Great Society animosity.
Trump's election signified a new Populism.
 It is much like our other 20th Century Populism episodes.

Democracy is supposed to be troublesome. Those most unhappy raise Cain.
Oligarchs run the show and maximize their wealth from our ever growing economic pie.
Populism caused the Civil War, the Revolutionary War and the King Phillips War.
By accepting more responsibility, Oligarchs could avert a forth devastating event.
Baby Boomers are leaving populist issues to Millennials.
They must take control during what some consider a Fourth Turning