Education Strategy
Create a US Meritocracy
based upon Drive, Team, Character, Education for All and not just Academics.
IQ: measures verbal comprehension, perceptional reasoning,
working memory, and processing speed. It is applicable to, at most, top quintile careers.

1. Setting 2 Strategic Goals, a Fedelist Approach

2. Community, Parents, and Students Choose and Prioritize Goals

3. Special Intelligence allows Individualized Curriculums

4. Tech-based education leads to US Meritocracy


Goal 1. Fifty State Laboratories of Education
Justice Louis D. Brandeis Took a Federalist Approach to Education

"It is one of the happy incidents of the federal system
that a single courageous state may, if its citizens choose,
serve as a laboratory; and try novel social and economic experiments
without risk to the rest of the country
.” source 

FEDs Must Give Up Control of Education Funds2

Goal 2. Maximize a Student's Special Intelligence,
 that which they do well. i.e. arts, sports, mechanical, verbal-math IQ ...

Choosing a Degree of Difficulty   Walter
Success encourages teachers and students.
Education should be directed toward finding a student's special intelligence.
Education can then be designed to maximize this special intelligence.
Forcing average into above average seldom leads to success.
Choosing to Max Max
1 for average IQ students leads to debt and under employment.

"Fifty-two percent of graduates with a terminal bachelor’s degree
are underemployed one year after completing;
10 years after completing, 45 percent are underemployed."
Investing In College Education, An Economic View

Getting Bored? Skip to
Community, Parents, and Students Choose and Prioritize Goals

3. Special Intelligence leads to Individualized Curriculums

4. Tech-based education leads to US Meritocracy


1Biggest Mistakes

Not Maximizing Special Intelligence

A Federalist/Capitalist Approach to of Managing Education

Decisions are made at the Lowest Level
with books, software, and acceptable media,
determined by parents/school boards/local business.

FEDs Must Give Up Control of Education Funds

Think using the Brandeis Laboratories of democracy approach to education..

Too Many Academically Average  College Graduates

Average IQ 1960 HS Graduate Average IQ 2010s Bachelor's Only Graduate

Recent Graduate Degree IQs < IQs of 1960s Bachelor's Only Graduates

Majors Count

College Education

Does Not Translate into Market Income

Bachelor's Job Picture Difficult

The Economics of College Investing

Indeed’s 2025 US Jobs & Hiring Trends Report: - Indeed Hiring Lab


Thanks! author/editor Walter Antoniotti 5/21/24



Federal Laws Have Unintended Consequences2

1962 President John F. Kennedy Executive Order 10988
led to state laws permitting
the unionization of public employees

1969 The Supreme Court,
Tinker v. Des Moines
Independent Community School District
ruled that the Constitution forbids local schools from
suspending students who bring political protest inside the schools.

In dissent Justice Black wrote:

In 1975 Goss v. Lopez, the Court ruled
 in the case of a suspended student,
 a hearing was required.

FEDs Must Give Up Control of Funds

Think of applying the
Brandeis Laboratories of democracy
 approach to education.

Inspired by Storm Before the Calm.