2. How Students, Parents, and Local Communities,
Working Together, Choose and Prioritize Goals

see 1. Education: Strategy   3. Education: Old and New Ideas   2024 Election Information


Consider Historical Education Advise

"It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you don't stop." Confuses

"Emphasize what learners do well."  P. Drucker

Treat best students special, others should be motivated.  T. Cowen

  1. Choose an Educational Approach
    pedagogy teacher-centered
example: lectures
andragogy learner-centered
 Tech Base, Real World, Activity Driven, Question Oriented College Curriculum

Guided by Bloom's Taxonomy and Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences

  3. Should Curriculum Based on What Student Do Well?
    math, verbal, arts, sports, mechanical...

Maximize the minimum for Special Intelligence, what a student does well
Maximize the maximum for students with a really high specially intelligence 
Minimize the maximum regret by increasing graduate rates.

  4 Decide on Community, State, or National Based Curriculums
  5. Use Individualized Curriculum
  6. Accountable Charter Schools Goal Fulfillment
    using community cost/benefits analysis.
The Right Way to Assess Charter Schools
Exploring the Consequences of Charter School Expansion in U.S. Cities
  7. Maximize Use of Free Internet Learning Materials
    Free Courses ,   Textbooks,   Quick Notes Textbooks
Quick Notes Course Materials,    Reference Library

Editor's Note from Walter

intelligence and motivation are normally distribution
and some or on the high side of both.

Other have a higher end.

Few are always in the lower end for most activities.

Years ago I Flipped my Accounting, Economics and Statistics Classes.
 Result: Top 25% learns lots more, remainder learned the same.
Computer Lab was available during class.
All did less work, especially the better students, who worked at home.

Reflections of a Life-Long Teacher