Statistics  Video Lectures

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1. Topic Videos
Confidence Intervals   
Hypothesis Testing
Nonparametric Tests

Correlation and Regression
. Statistics Software Lab Manuel
Research Project

4. Prepare for Tests
Quick Notes Reviews
Statistics Test Reviews
Testing Help
Problems & Solutions
Test Prep strategy
5. Practice Exams
Tests & Answers
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Practice Problems & Solutions

 Practice Tests & Answers

7. Software Videos

. Determine Appropriate Applications
Choosing Appropriate Statistics Test 
Statistics Application Tool



Collecting Data
Scientific Method and Experimental Design
Displaying Univariate Data
Dot Plots
Frequency Distribution
Stem and Leaf Plot
Grouped Histogram   
Cumulative and
Relative Cumulative Frequency Distributions

Describing Univariate Data

Measures of Central Tendency   2    3
Mean and Expected Value

Box and Wisker Plots 
TI-83/84 Box and Wisker Plots
Empirical Rule
Standard scores 1    Video 2     
Standard score tables
Percentiles   Video 2    Video 3 
Dispersion  Range, Standard Deviation

Describing Bivariate Data
Scatter Plots
Correlation coefficient
Least Square Regression Line
TI-83/84 Least Square Regression
Regressions toward the mean
Residual plots
Standard error of estimate See
Coefficient of determination
Matching scatter plots and correlation








Types of Probability
Classical Probability
Empirical Probability
Subjective Probability

Basic Probability from Ted Marks
Law of Large Numbers
Mutually Exclusive Events
Rule of Addition
Complementary Events

Counting from Patrick JMT 10
1 Probability of a Simple Event Counting
2 Probability of At Least One
3A "and statement" Independent Events
3B  "and Statement" Dependent Events
4A Bayes' Theorem 1
4B Bayes' Theorem 2
5 Counting Outcomes- Multiplication  With Replacement (repetition)

7A Permutations Order Counts,
 Without Replacement
7B Combinations
Order Doesn't Count Without Replacement
7C Another View

Correlation and Regression

Spearman's Rank Correlation
Regression Part 1
Regression Part 2










Confidence Intervals
Central Limits Theorem 
Population Mean

Population Proportion
Finite Correction Factor
Determining Sample Size
Bias and variability

Hypotheses Testing
Choosing the appropriate test
Hypotheses Testing and p-values
Large Sample
Two-tail test of one sample mean

Two-tail two means-independent populations
Type 2 Error one tail 
Type 2 Error with two tail
Power of a test
Two-tail two small sample means
One-tail of one sample proportion
Two-tail of one sample proportion
Two-tail of two sample proportions
One-tail small sample "t" test
Two-tail small sample "t" test

Two-tail two sample t test
independent populations

Paired t test- dependent populations

F-test- two sample variaences
ANOVA 1- more than two data sets
Two-way ANOVA

Nonparametric Statistics

Parametric vs Nonparametric Statistics
Chi-square goodness- 1 categorical variable

Test for independence- 2 categorical variables

using a contingency table

Runs test for randomness

One tail one sample median sign test

Mann-Whitney U Two-tail test

from independent populations

Related Free Learning

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Updated 7/17/18  
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Practice Problems & Solutions
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Statistics Lab Manual loads into most software
Excel Research Project practice

2. Research Paper Overview

How To Write A Research Paper Fast 5 min

How to Write a Great Research Paper 34 min

How to Write a Great Research Paper from MS  58min


3. Internet Tools

15 Writing Apps to Help You Write Papers and Essays Faster 3.5 min

Finding Online Sources Research Papers 10 Min

Citations Using Word 12 min

Basic MLA Research Paper 15 min

4. Writing Support

Research Paper Structure 2 min
Creating an Outline 3.5 in
 Introduction 7.5 min

Discussion Section 8 min
Writing a Conclusion 4.5 min


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Procedures for Solving Statistics Problems
Categorizing Statistics Problems
helps determine correct test.
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Test Passing Help
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Practice Tests Using Software
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AP Statistics
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