Personal Finance

Post Graduation Retirement Planning

Senior Citizens
Something for Everyone
Home Improvement
Free Budgeting Software
Teacher Stuff

Free Personal Finances Courses

Investment Basics
Financial Improvement

Government Help

Personal Finance Daily
College Course Notes
Finance Organizations
Please link to and share.  6/1/24


Students Personal Finance

Post Graduation Retirement Planning
Federal Student Loans
Retirement Saving Note Card

Editors Suggestion:
Save you next raise forever.
As soon as possible,
save another raise, then another,
and another

Pensions & Investments
The Retire Early Home Page
Center for Retirement Research

Rent Not Buy a Home
Manage $ Better Than Parents
Professor A's Advice for Students, Parents

from  Tony Isola  CFP® and Financial Advisor   



Home Ownership

Car Ownership

data is beautiful




Senior Citizens

Latest on Retirement from J. Stroll 

Elder Index” which measures the cost of living for adults age 65 and older in every county in the U.S. Massachusetts, New York and Vermont were among the states with the highest ratios of people falling below their respective states' index levels. Nationwide, the index calculated a realistic cost of living of $25,416 for older singles who are renting their homes and $36,204 for couples. —Yuka Hayashi

Do not invest social security benefits--expert-says

Benefits Chec-Up
help seniors with prescription drugs,
energy assistance, food stamps.

Reverse Mortgages from AARP

Reverse Mortgage Calculato

Seniors and Addiction/ resource from

Smart Ways to Put Your Home Equity to Work

The Case for Phased Retirement

5 Steps to Successful Budgeting

5 Free Financial Software Alternatives To Quicken

Free Budgeting Software
Click on disk  to install free budgeting software from Alux Scott Accounts. After using it, you should upgrade, it's worth the money.

Home Budget Calculator from Dinkytown
free, fast, easy upgrades are Expensive

Brown Bag Savings Calculator

Something for Everyone

5 Top Blogs On Finance

10 Bad Habits that Lead to Debt Disaster from MSN Money

Money Talk

How Financially Literate Are You Really? WSJ Quiz With Answers

Money 101 from CNN

The Best Ways To Consolidate Debt

The Dave Ramsey Internet Show

Personal Finance Columnist and Author Gail Marks Jarvis

Kelley Blue Book for New and Used Cat Prices

Save is for beginners.

Practical Money Skills for Life from VISA is comprehensive.

Consumer Jungle

Motley Fool

The Universal Currency Converter

GuideStar will allow you to study a nonprofit asking for donations. It requires a registration.  Look for Form 990 for high salaries and salaries of the Board of Directors.


Miserly Moms

Frugal Living & Tightwaddery

Government Help
Visit -
the basics about financial education.
Whether you are planning to buy a home, balancing your checkbook,
or investing in your 401k, the resources on can help
you do it better. Throughout the site, you will find important information from 20 federal agencies government wide

Visit Money Smart - The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) recognizes the importance of financial education, particularly for people with little or no banking experience. That's why they created Money Smart, a training program to help adults outside the financial mainstream enhance their money skills and create positive banking relationships.

Consumer Finance assures banks, lenders, and companies treat you fairly..

Federal Rules Make It Easier for Student Loan Forgiveness

Bankers Ease Rules on Automatic Student Loan Defaults

College Course Notes
Personal Finance Presentations/Lectures Dr. Barbara O'Neill, CFP® of Rutgers U.

Finance Organizations

National Endowment for Financial Education
For Teachers
Money Instructor

Free Personal Finances Courses
Money Essentials from CNN covers priorities, insurance  estate planning .... with quizzes glossaries of important terms....

Family Finance from Utah State University is rigorous with a textbook, syllabus, unit reviews and assignments.

Money Management International: streamline budgets, learn about finance, tools to answer question..

Fundamentals of Personal Financial from U Cal-Irvine’s is a  college course for credit or for fun.

Planning Secure Retirement from Purdue has interactive quizzing, personality profiles risk tolerance calculators.

Personal Finance  from Open Learn lets you design course level from introductory to advanced

Understand your relationship with money from Open Learn

Making Money
Art of Earning Money

Think And Grow Rich

The Golden Rules of Acquiring Wealth

Money Making Today, Tomorrow & Forever

Make Millions and Make Change!

As A Man Thinketh

Money Making Secrets Of The Gurus

The Science Of Getting Rich

The 10 Secrets of Power Presentations





