Massachusetts PISA Education Test Scores
 Were Great-or Were They?

How Massachusetts Built a World-Class School System
PISA 2012 Results: What Students Know and Can Do - OECD


MASS Reading score of 527 was second.
Massachusetts was the second highest after Singapore, the state considered a country. It was fifth highest if compared to all the sub-jurisdictions taking PISA.  No jurisdiction's scores exceeded Massachusetts if the standard is statistical significance.  Eight were similar. 
Science score of 529 was the sixth if Massachusetts was measured as a country.  No other sub-jurisdictions were on the list.  Alberta, British Columbia and Quebec in Canada did better, so it would be ninth on a list that included all sub-jurisdictions. But, when looking at these results in terms of the statistical significance of the differences between scores, only Singapore did better.  Mathematic score of 500 was twenty-first
It was the twenty-first highest in the world if it were a country and no other sub-jurisdictions were on the list.  If other sub-jurisdictions were included, it would rank thirty-fourth.  If statistical significance is the standard, though, only eleven national systems scored higher, while 19 systems were not significantly different.

Helping students overcome the impact of No Child Left Behind  
K. Hirsh-Pasek, L. Steinberg 11/18

Editor's Note: The failure to increase the traits being analyzed have never been achieved.

Analysis of Two Mathematics Questions.

2. Revolving Door Problem

Note: Other scaling method resulted in slightly different percentages.

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For More Mathematics Questions Visit
PISA 2012 Technical Report - OECD
Questions were varied covering many pre-algebra topics.

Score above 545 required algebra and geometry.
As the following chart reveals, about 16% score
at this high level.


National Assessment of Adult Literacy
 surveys of 1992 and 2003 revealed these results.

Summary By Literacy Level

"Fewer adults with Below Basic 
document and quantitative literacy in 2003 than in 1992"

"Fewer adults with Proficient 
prose and document literacy in 2003 than in 1992"