3. Characteristics of Market System Capitalism   textbooksfree.org     View Entire Chapter 3   17/5/24

 I. Characteristics of Market System Capitalism
     A. Economic systems determine what and  how to produce, and who will receive production. 
     B. An economic system must also adapt to changing economic environments.
         For example, America must adapt to changes to September 11?
     C. Adam Smith described the beginning of capitalism. 
         1. His book, The Wealth of Nations, was the first description of capitalism. 
         2. Published in 1776, it described capitalism as it was practiced in 18th century England.
    D. Basic characteristics described by Adam Smith
        1. Private property-the right to own resources and bequeath property
        2. Freedom of enterprise-own a business
        3. Freedom of economic choice-work/not work, spend/not spend
        4. Role of self-interest
            a. People are by nature economic creatures
            b. Self-interest is a fundamental characteristic of people
        5. Competitive market system
            a. Many buyers and sellers
            b. Market participants, buyers and sellers, have little control over price
            c. Competition performs the organizing and controlling functions for a market economy
        6. Limited government ("
Laissez-faire ")
            a. Government should let markets be with a hands-off philosophy)
            b. Acceptable government involvement has become an important political question in the
                United States during the last few decades.
    E. Creative Destruction described by 20th century sociologist/economist
        Joseph Schumpeter  was an important addition to the idea of capitalism. 
          1. Change involves the creation of improved economic structures based on
              technology and the destruction of inefficient  economic structures.

          2. Capitalism allows this destruction to take place.    


 II. Economic Systems
      A. Pure capitalism as described by Adam Smith never existed.
      B. Recent economic systems have are Mixed Economies  (a mixture of Capitalism  and Socialism)
          1. Socialism collective ownership and management of equally distributed economic resources.
  2. Democratic Socialism, as practiced in Western Europe, has public ownership of key
              industries such as transportation and communication 
               a. The economic systems of Europe began moving toward more capitalism in the late 1970's
b. Margaret Thatcher,
former prime minister of England, started this trend.
c. Ronald Reagan agreed and stressed the market system during his presidency (1981-89).
 3. Communism 
a. Named after 19th century philosopher Karl Marx
b  The public owns almost all wealth which is centrally managed, i.e., a planned economy

c. Presidential Courage explores how Ronald Reagan deplored Communism.
 C. Traditional economy customs determines the economy activity of many developing countries.
III. Country Economic Policy
      A. Colonialism where one nation assumes political or economic control
          over another nation is imperialistic.
The practice has occurred throughout
          history and has been compatible with all economic and political systems.
. Economics of Colonialism
Settler Colonialism
B. Mercantilism trade used to generates economic production supported by government protectionism.

IV. US Political Economy

. Federalism: political order decentralized between at least two units,
Republic: individual is sovereign
3. Democracy:
 sovereign is the group, the majority
4. Courts
:enforce the constitution while
protecting minority right.
5. Capitalism:
based on profit,