Political History of US Prelude: Western Civilization Economic History 10/11/24 Please link to, textbook/supplement and share. |
Political Eras |
"And Now the Rest of the Story" |
1788-1824 Elections |
Executive privilege was created by President Washington to keep
Jay Treaty documents
from Congress. Other Presidents would claim the right and courts would
sometimes have to decide legality. Think NSA data
spying. |
8) The 1803 Louisiana Purchase and 1819/1821 treaties with Spain more than doubled the size of the U.S. Later U.S. would force a war with Mexico to expand into the Southwest. 9) War of 1812 protected freedom of the Sea and ended hostilities with Britain. 10) Missouri Compromise of 1820 admitted Maine as a free state and Missouri as a slave state. It postponed the coming pain. Does 12/15 climate agreement postpone pain from expected climate change? 11) Monroe Doctrine of 1823 kept U.S. out of European politics and vice versa until WWI. 12) 1828 "Tariff of Abominations resistance slowed expanding business interests. It caused the Nullification Crisis as states wanted to declare federal laws unenforceable Tariffs continued as the main source of federal revenue until surpassed by post WW II income tax revenues. See Nullification Have Free Trade Agreements replaced tariffs as a way to help business at worker expense? See 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and maybe 2015 Trans Pacific Partnership. |
2) 1828-1852 Elections Federalism vs. State's Rights The Democratic-Republican Party of the Jefferson became factionalized in the 1820's so Jackson supporters began to form the modern Democratic Party. It hoped to pass political power from established elites to ordinary voters by ending the spoils system. They continued the Bank War against eastern business interests by opposing the renewal of the Second Bank of the United States. Democrats also opposed Whig sponsored modernizing programs that they felt would build up industry with protectionism at the expense of taxpayers. These battles continue today! Democrats fought Adams and Anti-Jacksonian revival factions which soon emerged as the Whig Party. They were led by Henry Clay who advocated the primacy of Congress over the Executive Branch as well as Northeast industry protectionism. The battle of presidential versus congressional power continues today. |
"And Now the Rest of the Story" 1) Indian Removal Act of 1830 forced Indians westward. 2) 1933 Compromise Tariff solved the North-South fight over protectionism. 3) 1838 Mormon War ended with roughly 20,000 Mormons relocated. 4) A failed 1842 Impeachment attempt of J. Taylor occurred because he used a presidential veto to override Northeast bank and tariff issues. Previous Presidential vetoes had been on constitutional grounds. It would be the first of a few politically motivated impeachment attempts. Think Obama impeachment poll. 5) Manifest destiny caused the Mexican War, southern Slave Power was maintained and the Oregon Treaty acquired much of the Northwest Territory. England got British Columbia. 6) The Compromise of 1850 postponed war as did the 1854 Kansas Nebraska Act which substantially increased North-South tensions. Think postponing budget problems. |
Legal Equality
Before the Civil War
Lawyers: No Women Lawyers, few nonwhite Supreme Court Justices Other Firsts 1917 female congress member |
The civil War was followed by massive transportation industrialization which involved railroads, canals and steamships. Massive wealth was created. Farm mechanism lowered the cost of food and this coupled with science made for a somewhat more prosperous middle class. Immigrants suffered.
"And Now the Rest of the Story"
Panic of 1857 was caused by over-consumption of goods
from Europe which lowered the
hard currency
supply. Also overbuilding by
competing railroads and rampant Western land speculation caused
problems. 2) Civil War 3) Enforcement Acts of 1870-71 was designed to protect blacks from the Ku Klux Klan and to protect Indians. It failed. 4) Panic of 1873 was caused by the hard currency Coinage Act of 1873. It lowered the money supply. Workers blamed cheap foreign labor. Called the Long Depression until the 1930's when it was superseded by the Great Depression, it caused severe hardship. It would not be the last time a lack of money and immigrants were blamed for economic problems. See Mexico, United States barrier. Think Great Recession. 5) Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act of 1883 added merit to federal hiring practices and began replacement of the spoils system though who you know continued. 6) Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 lasted until 1942. Scott Act of 1888 expanded the restrictions on Chinese immigration. See Japanese American 4 Year Interment. |
Interstate Commerce Act of 1887 began an attempt to
regulate business trusts and harness their use of monopoly power 8) McKinley Tariff of 1890 set a record for high rates. Profits increased as did the price of consumer goods. 9) Panic of 1893 resulted in a severe depression. Reluctantly, J.P. Morgan bailed out the gold standard with $60,000,000.
11) Harrison appoints four conservative S.C. judges to fight coming progressive movement. |
4) Elections1896-1928
Progressive Populism Ends the Gilded Age
But Business Power Returned
After WW I.
Panic of 1893
meant a 1996
realigning election
with victory for a republican forged conservative coalition
consisting of businessmen, professionals, skilled factory workers, and
prosperous farmers. Liberal opposition meant two unsettled decades called the Progressive
Era which began when
Teddy- Roosevelt in the 1902 Coal Strike.
It was a period of social activism and political reform which
flourished from the 1890s to the early 1920s. Exposing
political machines to eliminate government corruption was an
important progressive goal. They hoped to create a more
democratic federalist republic by putting election reform high on their agenda. Progressives also
sought regulation of monopolistic
trust corporations through
antitrust laws which were seen as a means to promote consumer benefit
through fair competition. Post WW I Communists and unions created fears of anarchy
so conservative government returned. A
Red Scare
followed WW2.
Then the War on Drugs.
Then War on Terrorism. Then climate fear. Are
media warmongers making us paranoid?
"And Now the Rest of the Story"\ |
8) Democrat Woodrow Wilson would continue
the progressive agenda
with the Revenue Act
of 1913.
It lowered consumer prices by substituted income taxes for tariffs. Declared
unconstitutional by a conservative Supreme Court, the
16th Amendment made the tax legal. The
Federal Trade Commission Act of
was a major effort to control
business trusts. The
Clayton Antitrust Act of outlawed specific conduct putting
teeth into
the 1890
Sherman Antitrust Act. The
Federal Farm Loan Act increased credit to rural family farmers and the
Keating–Owen Act
temporally lowered child labor abuses. 7) Segregated government continued. Wilson like fellow progressive Teddy Roosevelt and even Thomas Jefferson rationalized that America's people were not ready for integration. 8) Revenue Acts of 1921, 1924, 1926, and 1928 reduced taxes so only richest 2% paid income taxes. Think Bush 2 tax cuts lowers taxes for almost everyone. 9) The Fordney McCumber Tariff Act was one of many protectionist measures during the 1920's. Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 designed to protect US industries failed to help as Canada, France and others retaliated. A Mexican Repatriation program help unemployed Mexican citizens return home. It represented forced migration. Think current immigration problems. 10) Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 resulted in the Flood Control Act of 1928. It created the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to watch over public infrastructure. |
) Elections
Party Control Flip- Flops But
Some Progress Made Republicans felt voter outrage caused by Bonus Army veteran deaths during the summer of 1932. It combined with the catastrophic economic effects of Hoover's domestic economic policies to mean change was needed! Democrats promoted American Liberalism anchored in a coalition of specific liberal groups, especially ethno-religious constituencies (Catholics, Jews, and African Americans), white Southerners, well-organized labor unions, urban political machines, progressive intellectuals, and populist farm groups. Experts debate whether this era ended and a Sixth Party System emerged in the mid-1960s with the end of the New Deal coalition. The era may have continued into the 1980s when the Moral Majority and the Reagan coalition were formed and then in the new century with the Republican Revolution. Interrupted by Presidents Clinton and Obama, it may have continued in 1/15 when the Republicans took control of Congress but Citizens United_v._FEC ended it.
"And Now the Rest of the Story" 1) For the first time U.S. leaders used massive debt to solve a major non-military problem (SS and rural electrification ...). Like military debt, this new type of debt would be lowered economic growth and inflation. It would be refinanced with little paid back (retired). Think Can contingent liabilities from SS and Medicare be outgrown? 2) Marshall Plan & NATO prevented repeat of post WW I type international problems and officially ended Monroe Doctrine isolationism
3) President Eisenhower pulled out of South Korean and
4) Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962, the worst Cold War nuclear crises was properly managed. 5) Social Security Amendments of 1965 created Medicare and Medicaid. 6) Voting Rights Act of 1965 assured minority registration and voting ending a 100 year government stalemate. 7) Vietnam War and Watergate scandal |
Camp David Accords of 1978 was the high point of recent Middle East peace efforts.
Tax Act of 1980 began a trend of cutting
Too Big to Fail policy rescued Continental
Illinois Bank
Coalition of
the First Gulf War in1990 repelled invasion 12) Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act a1999 repealed the Great Depression Glass–Steagall Act. Did this cause Great Recession? 13) Terrorism strikes on 9/11causes fear that subsides and then returns before the 2016 presidential election. 14) Great Recession ended but slow nominal growth means real national debt will drop slowly as compared to after WW2. |
6) Elections 2000 - 2024 Political Polarity Increases Federalism Again Rears It Head The 1987 Fairness Doctrine exclusion for the communication industry meant presenting contrasting views was not required of radio stations. Most conservative or liberal and party polarization increased The Telecommunications Act of 1996 allowed multi station company ownership and national networks developed. As of 2011, Clear Channel Communications (now iHeartMedia) owned over 800 US radio stations and Rush Limbaugh wealth began an 8 year clime to $400 million .[3] The
Citizens United v. FEC allowed unregulated Together they ended the
New York Times Ochs Era which
began the
The News That's Fit To Print" era
which ended the
Journalism Era. |
1) 2001 Bush Name
War on Terrorism Begins 2) Affordable Care Act of 2010 survived the Supreme Court and may begin to solve a long existing problem. 3) 2011 Don't Ask, Don't Tell battle conducted on talk radio was overruled in 2011.