US Federalism
States Acceptance of a proposed US Constitution required a Great Compromise where

US Federalism divided power between federal and state government

The Tenth Amendment states that powers not granted to the
       federal government
nor prohibited to the states
are reserved to the states or the people.

Legislature would have a population based House of Representation
and a
equality based two seats per state Senate.
Powers not specifically federal or withheld from the states, are reserved to states.

 House of Reprehensive is Somewhat Democratic
Last population reapportionment,
Montana got a second reprehensive
making Delaware Substantially Underrepresented

Senators is Not Democratic

States Equally Represented, People- Not So Much

Do Small States Have Too Much Representation?


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Making Laws in a Democracy
1. Direct Democracy also known as pure democracy has the on policy initiatives.
Indirect democracy or representative democracy is when the electorate chooses officials to make laws on their behalf.
Initiatives and Referendums exist in some U.S. States.
         a. Part of the early 20th century
Progressive Movement
         b. Allowed voters to put a proposed law on the ballot for
            approval and also to void existing state law. 
        c. D.C. and 27 states have this direct democracy tool.
Referendumania Direct democracy is spreading
            across Europe, not always a good thing. 5/21/16
Brexit was Democracy in its Purest Form 7/16
Constitutional Amendments expanded "We" of
       "We the people..." which moved U.S toward Republicanism.
       a. The 1911
17th Amendment changed the election of U.S.
           Senators from the House of Representatives to voters.
       b. The 1919
19th Amendment gave women voting rights.
       c. The 1971
26th Amendment lowered voting age to 18.
       d. Eliminating the Electoral College would move the process
           closer to the people, Republicanism and a direct democracy
           majority. See
Athens-The Truth About Democracy video
The War On Democracy Video
Republican Principles developed during Jefferson's presidency.
US Voting Rights Timeline
Walt Whitman shows the spirit and his energy sort of
       define America “
Democratic Vistas.

E. Republic vs. Democracy
     1. In a republic, the sovereign is the individual, it is government of the people.
         In a democracy, the sovereign is the group, the majority, it is government by the people.
         a. Liberal Democracy try to maximizes the represented cohorts
ex. U.S.
         b. Illiberal Democracy limit cohorts
ex. China is modified Marxism
Republic v. Democracy and other governments
An Important Distinction: Democracy v Republic
Republic v Democracy
Why faster growth with a democratic presidents-timing is everything.
Building a Democratic Republic
Book Summaries Internet Library's reviews Meacham's biography of
        Jefferson and other political economy writings.

 F. Democracy and Capitalism
Capitalism is in Constant Conflict with Democracy 8/8/20
Pyramid Theory looks at Capitalism as Practiced in the US Democracy.
Alexis de Tocqueville wrote about capitalism and democracy
         in 19thnd democracy America. Read
Democracy in America
Trading Democracy for Corporate Rule Part 1
         video from Documentary Films
Capitalism Will Eat Democracy
Democracy Is a Threat to Any Power System- Noam Chomsky 84 Min Video
Democracy is an Insurance Policy for the Rich,
they aren't paying
         for the policy.
12 min

G. Is democracy, like communism, a failed doctrine?
After Democracy Documentary Film
Legalize Democracy Documentary Film

H. Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution
     is part of the
Bill of Rights as ratified on December 15, 1791.
    1. The Tenth Amendment states the Constitution's principle of
federalism by providing that powers not granted to the
federal government nor prohibited to the States by the
        Constitution are reserved to the states or the people.
    2. This requires
judicial interpretation.
Tyranny of the Status Quo - Part 1 - Beneficiaries