Political Economy

Fascism      US Conservatism        US Liberalism    
Nominal Definitions

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Fascism is a radical, authoritarian, socially conservative form of nationalism1
1. P
ositive view of violence

2. Promotion of masculinity

3. Protecting the views of a charismatic leader


US Conservatism follows much of the Classical Liberalism
1. Natural
Rights (liberties) preexist human action and are unchanging

2. Constitutional limits government power primarily to secure these unchanging rights

3. Protecting an individual's life, liberty and property was government's charge.


US Liberalism, follows much of New Deal Progressivism
1. Government responsibility changed with the industrial revolution

2. Constitution should not limit government to protecting just natural rights

3. Protecting natural and economics rights was government's charge.


 With Respect to Fascism1

Patriotism vs Nationalism
a patriot is proud of his country for what it does,
a nationalist is proud of his country-no matter what it does.
The first attitude creates a feeling of responsibility, but
the second leads to continued existing policy.

In 1960s- 70s, Vietnam was
to government, criminal to protesters

to students, criminal to government
Patriotic or Nationalist-History decides



Political philosophies encompass a wide range of ideas, beliefs, and ideologies regarding government, society, justice, rights, and the role of the individual within the political system. Here is an overview of several fundamental political philosophies and ideologies:

1. Liberalism


2. Conservatism


3. Socialism


4. Libertarianism


5. Fascism


6. Anarchism


7. Environmentalism


8. Nationalism