I am Looking for participants in a Teacher Managed Open Ended Class Project
 to Finish Part 3, . and Complete Parts 4 and 5

 $1000 Scholarships to students, classes or schools.

Teacher, Principle or Superintendent Should Contact Walter Antoniotti at antonw@ix,netcom.com  to discuss process.
Students guided by teachers decide what the project is, when completed and if/when submitted to textbooksfree for Internet publication. If asked, I will advise.

Turning Points in American History

Professor Edward T. O'Donnell Ph.D. College of the Holy Cross

Part 5   A Changing Culture

  5. A Changing Culture
1845 The Ultimate American Game—Baseball
1821 The Second Great Awakening- people are reborn
1831 Abolition, a Righteous Crusade
1873 Colfax Massacre ends reconstruction
1876 How the West Was Won and Lost—Custer
1900 The Great Migration to the Promised Land
1901 That Damned Cowboy! Theodore Roosevelt
1945 The Land of Lawns
1950 Birth of TV
1960 Power to Choose the Pill
1975 Personal Computers Bring a Digital Age

Our Best Improving Education Materials

Changing Education Paradigms 
is an 11 minute video from the Royal Society or the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce.
 It is the most significant analysis of Western education I've encountered
since I began teaching in 1966.

Educational Observations
of Academic, Political, Business  and Economic Leaders  Provide the
 Key to Educational Improvement

The Long Shadow of Race, Class and Privilege in Baltimore 1 of 5 by Karl L. Alexander the Chair and John Dewey Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, Johns Hopkins University

5 Bad Education Assumptions the Media Keeps Recycling Were Number Umpteenth the Myth of Lagging US Schools

Homework an Unnecessary Evil Surprising Findings from New Research