Quick Notes History of Economic Thought Course

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Additional Learning Materials

History of Economic Thought f
rom wikipedia is concise/

History of Economic Thought, from  Professor Udayan Roy of LIU, is also concise with links to key concepts and individuals

History of Economic Thought from Boise State has an electronic text and topic materials covering key topics.

Video Lectures
History Of Economic Thought Website
History of Economic Thought Videos

Archive for the History of Economic Thought

Biographies of economists
The Prehistory of Modern Economic Thought by Justin Ptak
Articles on History of Economic Thought
Methodology and History of Economic Thought

Supplemental Readings for John Kane's of SUNY at Oswego
The Machinery of Freedom is a libertarian view
Marx & Engels archives   Marx Archive
Power Point Presentation from R. Larry Reynolds of Boise State

Review Questions
Review - Essay ..
Exam Review

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