2024-5 Economy  Under Trump
Analysis of Trump 2 2/77/25
Executive Orders  
  Post Election     Pre Election Economy    
Election Analysis    

Trump Inherits Good and Bad from Biden        2017 Tax Cut Extension Affects Many

US 2023-5 Political Economy in Action


Many Executive Orders on Hold

EO to ignore 14th amendment birthright citizenship Permanently blocked by court order.

EO ordered spending freeze was court blocked within hours.

EO to  pause on a law banning TikTok and to provide a liability shield.
EO being ignored by providers.


EO rescind all funds from schools that allow transgender athletes to compete
 in girls’ and women’s sports, claiming it violates Title IX.

Successful Executive Orders

Fired inspectors general could sue for lack of notice,
but Trump would give notice and fire them again.

USAID shut down proceeding.

Successful Day One Executive Orders

1. Ended Diverse, Equity and Inclusion programs,
made illegal by Supreme Court 2024 decision

2. Rescinded 78 Biden-era executive actions,
 orders and presidential memoranda.

3. US Gender Identity Defined
as two biologically distinct sexes — male and female

Example of Trumponomics

Very Low Income Families Lose Under SNAP Proposal
Now. lose benefits at income of $13,748
Proposed, lose benefits immediately upon earning income

More Proposed Cuts, Maybe Even Defense$


Trump Inherits a Strong Economy


and a Weak Fiscal Position

Inflation Returns to Almost Normal




Many Unhappy if 2017 tax cut not extended


Unemployment Returns to Normal




Consumer Debt is Down 2 Points After COVID




Credit card rate up 7+ % pts
as FED increased interest rates to slow inflation

To be continued into 2025


Did Interest Payments Crash Harris

US Economy Getting More Consistent

Leading the Way for the Last Decade




Pre Election 2024 Economy Analysis
Pre-election analysis updates ended 10/5/24

Covid Lockdown Handled Well by Washington

Trump-Biden Risked Inflation to Lower Unemployment
Short Recession

Inflation Getting Back To Normal

Presidents and Federal Reserve Responded Well

US Growth Led the Industrialized World

Small Business is Booming

Latest Data and Discussion Topics

See 2024 Election         please share     Walter


2020 Short Recession




A Two-Quarter Recession





Inflation was Transitional


San Francisco Fed estimated
supply chain shocks
caused 60% of the U.S. inflation
 mid 6/21-mid 6/23


Federal Government Responded Well to Covid

Unemployment Inflation Effect
Trump failed to stop Democrats and Media from forcing economic shutdown.    
CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act) 3/27/20, $2.2 trillion spent 14.8% Very Little
COVID-19 Relief Package (Consolidated Appropriations 12/27,20, $900 billion spent 6.7 Some
2021 Biden adds to the spending
American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA)
- Enact 3/11, 2021, $1.9 spent
6.1 Moderate +
Fed predicts inflation transitional, but it stayed high longer because    
   Supply Chain bottlenecks as Covid slows globalization   Moderate
   Feb4-20 22 Russia invades Ukraine   Moderate

 Post WW 2  Cycle Analysis
       1. Competitive Adjustments

            2. Good Jobs Gone

            3. Severe Recessions

            4. Great Recession

            5. Great Recession

            6. Market Bubbles

            7. Big Cycles Over Last 100 Years
' quotes. What could replace the dollar "when Europe's a museum, Japan's a nursing home, China's a jail, and Bit coin's an experiment"?





US Growth Leads the Industrialized World


1950-1980 Liberals Dominate with Roe Wade, Race Integration, Social Programs

1981-2016 Conservatives Dominate with Globalization, Tax Cuts-especially for business and rich

1988-2020 FED Easy money lead to High Business Income lead to massive Stock Market Gains.

1950 to 2020 Globalization leads to income inequality as the top 10 % do very well and
the lower 50% receive a small income increase and a large wellbeing boost from
Medicare and Medicaid, SS, Tax Credits and SNAP type assistance.

2020-2030 will be a time of insecurity leading to anxiety.

2024 Election Information    


Small Business is Booming

PCE Items Priced


Discussion Topics


18-charts Explain US Economy/

Myths About Inflation video

Higher education bubble in the United States

Bloomberg.world economic indicators


Great Depression Myths

Myths About the Great Depression

Special Topics in Microeconomics